Scariest Moment in Gaming History?



Scariest Moment in Gaming History

I’ve been trying to think of the one time I got the most scared while playing a video game. I had bad dreams about Zelda II when I was little, one of the skeletons actually killed me in the dream, which was freaky, but that doesn’t count. Also, I have a fear of deep ocean water, so riding around on the boat in The Wind Waker scared me when one of those things popped up out of the water. That doesn’t really count, either. Hmm…Zelda games seem to scare me a lot, pretty sad…

There is “jump out of your seat” scary, like, when the dogs jump through the window in Resident Evil. There’s “creepy/weird scary”, like Eternal Darkness and it’s sanity meter. None of those really freaked me out that bad, though. I honestly haven’t played any Silent Hill games, so I can’t pick one of those (I saw the movie, though). Fatal Frame is another one I haven’t played, so I’m a little limited in the horror game genre. Bioshock had freaky stuff, too, but nothing that really stuck with me. I’m honestly trying to think of a long term freak out type game…

The only game that really freaked me out, even after I stopped playing it, was Killer 7. Killer 7 isn’t supposed to be a scary game or anything, it’s basically just an on-rail shooter…but the whole atmosphere of the game was freaking weird. The strangest part to me were the severed heads that had rings in their mouths. Those things were so creepy, how they talked, and they described how they were killed…it just freaked me out. Sure, the storyline didn’t make a lot of sense to me, but what I did understand freaked me out a little bit, just gave me a weird feeling.

The whole game was just really really strange, and I’m glad I ended up playing it, it has stuck with me as one of the coolest, most unique gameplay experiences of last generation.





2 responses to “Scariest Moment in Gaming History?”

  1. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    I know we talked about this, but I still think 7th Guest was creepy. Old man Stauff, or however his name is spelled, was freaky.

    I do recall jumping when the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil. I feel for a game to be really scary would require some serious atmosphere. Like playing alone at night as it pours rain outside and having the volume up really loud. There has to be a truly scary game though.

  2. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    I know we talked about this, but I still think 7th Guest was creepy. Old man Stauff, or however his name is spelled, was freaky.

    I do recall jumping when the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil. I feel for a game to be really scary would require some serious atmosphere. Like playing alone at night as it pours rain outside and having the volume up really loud. There has to be a truly scary game though.

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