Starcraft II: The Story So Far



Starcraft II The Story So Far

Blizzard has a nice right up over at detailing the Starcraft storyline leading up to Starcraft II, which takes place four years after the events of Starcraft: Brood War. I never really paid a lot of attention to the story, so this little write-up is a great refresher. I think I just have a problem remembering who’s who in a story when there are more then like 4 characters involved in a story.

All I really ever got out of the story was Arcturus Mengsk was an ass, ditching Kerrigan was a bad call, and Tassadar was totally awesome. Oh and Gantrithor is a cool name for a ship, too bad it’s gone. I don’t even really remember what happened in Brood War except for the hidden missions where they were making hybrid creatures or something.

I can’t wait for Starcraft II.





2 responses to “Starcraft II: The Story So Far”

  1. System Requirements Avatar

    So when is starcraft 2 coming out anyway. Any mention of starcraft ruffles my feathers, I hate late games…Sweet blog though, keep it up!

  2. System Requirements Avatar

    So when is starcraft 2 coming out anyway. Any mention of starcraft ruffles my feathers, I hate late games…Sweet blog though, keep it up!

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