Blizzard “Announces” New MMO



Blizzard Announces New MMO...Sort Of

In a recent forum post a Blizzard community representative (Drysc) “confirmed” a new MMO from Blizzard.

No, it is an unannounced Next-Gen MMO.

And that doesn’t mean an expansion for World of Warcraft either.

I’m not sure it’s really an announcement when a community representative mentions it on a web board, but it’s still something. I mean, I know they are working on stuff other then Starcraft II and WoW expansions, I’m just saying I don’t feel like it’s official, yet. I’m thinking the two most obvious choices are a “World of Starcraft”, which would be totally awesome, or a “World of Diablo”, which would be equally awesome. I love Starcraft and I love Diablo, so I can’t lose here.





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