Year: 2007

  • New Stage “The Summit” Unveiled for Brawl

    This mornings update to Smash Bros. Dojo is a new Ice Climbers stage, The Summit. At first it appears you are on glacial peak, but then the stage breaks off and drifts into the ocean. Oh and then a fish jumps out at you, a fish that you might have seen somewhere before, but I…

  • Music of the Gaming World That Is So Radical Its Awesome: Star Fox Adventures

    This weeks video game music comes from what I think is an extremely underrated game. Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo Gamecube. I know a lot of people loved the original Star Fox and all the flying and whatnot, but this action RPG was awesome. IGN gave this game a 9.0, and for good reason.…

  • Scariest Moment in Gaming History?

    I’ve been trying to think of the one time I got the most scared while playing a video game. I had bad dreams about Zelda II when I was little, one of the skeletons actually killed me in the dream, which was freaky, but that doesn’t count. Also, I have a fear of deep ocean…

  • Monday’s Virtual Console Update, a Day Late Again…

    These are the new VC releases for Monday, 10/29. This is totally a Halloween update. What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse. As an aside, I just found someone has an EP by the same name.

  • Halo 3 Adding “Zombies” to Playlist for Halloween

    That’s right, from 12:01 AM on October 31 to 3:00 AM on November 1 anyone playing mutiplayer games may randomly get an “Infection” game. Infection gameplay is simple: one person starts as a zombie, and as he kills people, gains more and more zombies to slaughter the remaining players. You know, like how it is…

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl – Classic Mode

    Today Classic mode was revealed. You clear a stage and you get coins, so is it like a side scrolling level and you fight to the end, like in Melee? I think that’s all there was to it, really… Anyway, clear the stage and you get coins, and coins are NOT used to buy things…

  • Gamestop No Longer Selling Xbox 360 Replacement Plans

    Wow, I guess Xbox 360’s break so much that Gamestop has stopped offering replacement plans. I know after I write this mine is going to break, too. It already did the thing where it didn’t turn on and was blinking with 4 red lights. I can’t wait for the 3 red lights…I know it’s coming……

  • Stage Builder in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Smash Bros. DOJO’s latest update is a stage builder. How awesome is that? The options look pretty in-depth, so it will be interesting to see what people can come up with once they get their hands on it. You basically pick the initial stage, modify it, change the music, etc. These can also be sent…

  • Warhammer 40K: Squad Command Demo

    That’s right, you can download a demo for the upcoming Warhammer 40K game on your PSP. The game looks pretty cool, and if your in to strategy games you should check it out here.

  • Eye of Judgement

    I think I want to get a PS3 now, more then ever. I used to play actual card games like this, and the idea of it being combined with the video game aspect is pretty interesting. I love the 3D view card profile, how awesome is that? I so want to get this game.

  • RPG Cliches

    IGN has a pretty funny article up about RPG cliches. I shouldn’t say funny, it’s more sad, actually, how so many RPG’s have these cliches. Some of the better ones include “Humble Beginnings”, “The Errand Boy”, and “Morality, Schmorality!”. It’s so true. Every RPG I can think of in recent memory involves me running around…

  • PS2 Turned Seven Yesterday, I Forgot

    The PS2 is going to be soooo pissed at me. Yesterday was it’s birthday, and I didn’t so much as give it a card. October 26th…how could I forgot something important like this? I’m such a jerk. I can’t believe it was seven years ago the PS2 came out. I remember the first games I…