Sony Announces New Slim PS3 Coming This September



Playstation 3 Slim

Today Sony announced that their rumored PlayStation 3 Slim will be in stores in early September. Kaz Hirai made the annoucment and noted that it will be have all the same features as the current PS3 and comes with a 120 GB drive. The big difference is it’ll be slimmer (obviously), 33% percent smaller and 36% lighter.

The PlayStation 3 Slim will retail for $299 in the U.S. (299 euros, 29980 yen)






21 responses to “Sony Announces New Slim PS3 Coming This September”

  1. Malefia Avatar

    Castlevania is frustrating baecuse I’m really not used to controlling a character with a whip anymoreSo true; amazing how alien this sentence would have felt ten years ago.Recommendations: well, Loco Roco really is as good as people make out, and very gentle. At the other end of the spectrum, I was really impressed with God of War it’s a short, 7-hour-or-so romp, but it’s great fun, visually fantastic, and has one probably my favourite QTEs in gaming ever. And I don’t like QTEs much. I like both the Wipeouts; Pulse is probably the more assured these days. And, from a strategy perspective, Disgaea is an even more perfect fit on the handheld than in the living room.Maybe that helps, for a start

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