Square Enix Removes Console Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Screenshots, Possibly Fixing Font



With the recent news that Square Enix has decided to remove Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster screenshots from its console display, fans are now even more hopeful that this decision indicates a significant font change coming to the iconic game. For those unaware, Pixel Remaster is a remastered conversion of the original visual style used in the classic Final Fantasy series from the early 1990s. Though many of the same characters, items, and gameplay elements exist, the fanciful lettering used for game titles and menus has been sorely lacking since the game’s change in design.

The news that Square Enix is changing the way players experience Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster stirred up quite a bit of speculation. Many theorized that the studio is planning a font change in order to modernize the game, more in line with the look of the current popular titles. Some believe that Square Enix aims to provide a typeface that more accurately reflects the characters’ personalities and make them easier to read. Though such a change could alienate diehard fans, many of whom consider the pixel art style part of the core experience, others see it as a sign of progress towards a timeless classic.

Square Enix’s history of making changes with an eye on the future is also a comforting thought for many Final Fantasy fans. The studio has proven it can walk the line between maintaining its classic feel and introducing new elements. Many of their recent titles have managed to completely refresh the original material while also running smoothly on modern hardware.

The removal of the console screenshots of Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster is an exciting development and adds fuel to the fire of fans’ hopes for a font change. Though no official confirmation has been made yet, there is a strong possibility that the studio is working hard to provide players with the best experience possible. There’s no telling what the future holds for Square Enix’s beloved series, but the promise of a font change is promising indeed.


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