Sawaki Takeyasu’s El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, initially released over 12 years ago, is set for an HD remaster release for Nintendo Switch on April 28, 2024. The rights to the game were purchased by Takeyasu’s company Crim after launch and the port’s release date was announced in tandem with publisher Rainy Frog. The game will be available both physically and digitally in Japan, with a physical deluxe edition priced at ¥8,250 (about US$57) that includes the game and a drama CD with a script.
Upon its original debut in 2011, El Shaddai received mixed reactions. While not universally appealing, the distinctly styled action game has been a lasting touchstone for those who enjoyed its unique concept. In its initial release, it had a significant promotional campaign, including a crossover with Japanese clothing brand Edwin that featured specially designed jeans in the styles of characters Enoch and Lucifel. Unfortunately, no themed clothing accompanies the upcoming Switch releases.
Apart from perks included in the Japanese physical editions, there seems to be no new content added to the game. The remastered version of El Shaddai will retain its original appeal with its rock, paper, scissors combat and mix of 3D and 2D sections. Those keen to revisit or experience the game for the first time can look forward to its release in April 2024.
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