Upcoming Elden Ring update Fixes Easy Anti-Cheat as Anticipated Shadow of Erdtree Launch Date Draws Near



The latest Elden Ring update has rectified the Easy Anti-Cheat system to align with a recent SteamOS update, according to publisher Bandai Namco. This spells good news for players using Steam Decks, who had previously experienced technical issues mostly associated with the anti-cheat functionality. However, fans eagerly awaiting information on the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC were left disappointed as no new details emerged. The DLC was first announced in February last year and, according to one developer’s LinkedIn, commenced development in April 2022. An image that was released, depicting a golden-haired figure riding across a field, spurred speculations amongst fans about the narrative of the upcoming expansion.

Guesses about the identity of the figure in the DLC’s key art include Miquella, the younger brother of goddess Malenia, or a youthful version of Queen Marika, fueling theories that the expansion is a prequel. As an alternate theory, some suggest that the character is actually a tree surgeon named Frank E. Ring. Regardless of the speculation, no definitive information has been confirmed by the developers or the publisher.

The release date for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree was speculated to be in February 2024, based on a Thrustmaster controller listing that was swiftly taken down. The removed listing also suggested another major expansion could be due in 2025. However, the absence of promotional material like a teaser trailer suggests February might not be a concrete release time. With limited and cryptic information available, speculation continues among Elden Ring’s ardent fanbase, who anticipate more substantive updates on the game’s expansions.


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