Eiyuden Chronicles, a RPG series akin to the popular nineties’ Suikoden, will proceed with a sequel despite the death of its creator, Yoshitaka Murayama. Murayama, who created Suikoden during his tenure at Konami, left in 2002 after the release of Suikoden III. He then founded Rabbit & Bear Studios and collaborated with fellow Suikoden alumnus, Junko Kawano, to create Eiyuden Chronicles. The game was successfully crowdfunded via Kickstarter in 2020, amassing over £3.4m. Unfortunately, Murayama succumbed to illness before the release of this year’s RPG instalment, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
Rabbit & Bear confirmed that the sequel to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is underway, with a hopeful message of honouring and carrying on Murayama’s unique vision for the series. The team shared their aspirations to grow the series and consider potential spin-offs, contingent on the success of Hundred Heroes. They recalled Murayama’s commitment to originality, revealing his desire to create new experiences rather than rely on past successes or nostalgia.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, set to release on April 23rd, clearly echoes Murayama’s Suikoden legacy while striving for novelty, reflecting the late creator’s philosophy. With HD remasters of the first two Suikoden games on the way, now might be an opportune time to explore Murayama’s influential work.
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