Shipments of PS5 Surpass 59.3 Million



Sony reported in its Q1 2024 financial results that it has globally shipped 59.3 million units of the PlayStation 5, which constituted a decline of 1.8 million units as compared to the same quarter the previous year. However, considering the entire fiscal year, PlayStation 5 saw an increase of 1.7 million units, tallying up to 20.8 million units shipped.

Further notable metrics unveiled by Sony include the rise of monthly active users on the PlayStation network, which surged to 118 million as of March 31, 2024, indicating an increase of 10 million users from the last fiscal year’s equivalent quarter.

With regards to software sales, there were 72.6 million units sold in Q1 2024, an increment of 4.6 million units as compared to the same period last year. Out of this, 12.3 million units were first-party titles, denoting a jump of 2.8 million units from the previous fiscal year. A striking 77% of all software sales were accounted for by full game software digital downloads, reflecting an upward trend of 7% compared to the same term in the previous fiscal year.


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