Screenshots of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Reveal New Storyline Episodes and World Locations



Square Enix has unveiled new information and screenshots for the upcoming Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake. The game is due for release on platforms including PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC (Steam) on November 14. The remake offers several fresh perspectives, including a spotlight on the protagonist’s father, Ortega. New scenes and formidable foes are set to add depth to the game’s narrative.

The Dragon Quest III remake presents an enhanced user experience, with images offering a glimpse of the action to expect. Ortega’s adventure brings him face to face with a fearsome warrior called Simão, while new threats pose challenges at each turn. Ortega, one of Aliahan’s finest warriors and father to the game’s protagonist, sets out on a quest to rid the world of the villainous Archfiend Baramos.

The world of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, developed with stunning HD-2D graphics and extra details added for the remake, resembles our own with each region featuring its own culture and traditions. Examples include Portoga, a bustling seafaring nation; Jipang, an island nation adorned with cherry blossom trees; and Ibis, a desert kingdom known for its unique flora. The remake encourages players to explore this diverse world, promising encounters with various characters and unforgettable adventures.


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