The fervor surrounding the much-awaited sequel to Hollow Knight, Silksong, has undoubtedly caused a buzz in the gaming community. This stemmed from a series of cryptic activities on social media by none other than William Pellen, the co-director of Team Cherry, the masterminds behind the Hollow Knight franchise. These unexplained events ignited a wildfire of theories and presumptions suggesting the potential re-emergence of Hollow Knight: Silksong at Nintendo’s Switch 2 Direct event scheduled for April. The commotion further strengthened speculations that the game could perhaps debut on Nintendo’s next-gen console, released just as a timed launch exclusive.
The intense curiosity all began when committed Hollow Knight enthusiasts following the subreddit noted on January 15 that Pellen had switched his social media profile photo to an image of a chocolate cake. This trivia on its own was hardly considerable, except Pellen incidentally shared a tweet notifying his followers about an exciting event imminent the following day. This news coincided with the much-speculated, then, Nintendo’s Switch 2 reveal predicted to happen on January 16. Add to this the day Nintendo finally decided to announce its Switch 2. The unveiling of this correlation immediately sparked questions. Did Pellen want his followers to keep tabs on the Switch 2 reveal? And if so, what was his motive?
Devoted fans further went on to probe clues hidden in the symbolic chocolate cake photo which led them to a recipe of Brooklyn Blackout Cake on a renowned cooking website. Intriguingly, the recipe was published on April 2, 2024, which coincidently matches the date of the upcoming Nintendo’s Switch 2 Direct conference which is set to happen on April 2, 2025.
Avid followers also endeavoured to decode the meaning hidden behind Pellen’s new social media handle, @everydruidwaswr. One creative suggestion by a Redditor believed that the letters “wr” could be an acronym for “was wrong.” On the other hand, some linked it to an NPC in the Silksong game which revived the theory of a potential game update.
Pellen didn’t just stop at switching his handle; he also updated his user name to “little bomey,” which fans recognized closely mirrored a renowned wine brand from Southern Australia, Team Cherry’s base location. This incited numerous fans to believe Pellen might be initiating a Silksong alternate reality game (ARG). However, this anticipation was quickly dampened when Matthew ‘Leth’ Griffin, Team Cherry marketing and publishing chief, explicitly cleared the air stating Pellen’s activities weren’t linked to any ARG.
All through these vivid sprees of events, fans stirred plenty of theories to quench their curiosity. Griffin quickly pulled back on these speculations by confirming that Hollow Knight: Silksong was indeed a reality. Further, he assured the game was advancing and would eventually get released, not budging any curiosity that shrouded the community. To add to the confusion, William Pellen has not yet attempted to explain the series of peculiar activities on his social media, keeping the intense debates are alive.
It’s imperative to recall that when Hollow Knight: Silksong was announced six years ago, Team Cherry revealed the game will be available on platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Nintendo Switch. What these mysterious series of events mean, and how they relate to the upcoming game is still to be deciphered. In the interim, we encourage subscribers to stay updated with future gaming news and announcements on
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