Category: Wii

  • Dragon Quest Swords – Gametrailers Review

    I’m not sure about this game now…it just doesn’t seem to have enough depth and it’s really short. Maybe if I saw it on sale somewhere, but I don’t think I want to pay $50 for it.

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl Initial Impressions

    I bought Brawl last night and since then have played the game for just over 10 hours. I’ve mostly played the Subspace Emissary as well as one run through classic mode with Snake and 20 of the single player events. I also played a quick online game with Gmoney and another one with a random…

  • Opoona Preview

    I like how he has to keep up with a T.V. drama about a stray cat. I’m totally wanting this game. I also found it interesting that the Final Fantasy XII guy is doing the music for Opoona, too.

  • Okami on Wii

    The game looks really nice running on the Wii. Also, it runs in full 16:9 mode, which doesn’t matter to me but might be a selling point for a lot of others out there. I think I might even pick up the game again. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll actually finish it this time, too. Why…

  • Mario Kart Wii Trailer

    This new trailer from GDC just doesn’t do it for me. Maybe it’s that ridiculous wheel accessory…or maybe it’s Wario riding around on a motorcycle instead of a kart…I just…I don’t know. Double Dash pissed me off, the fucking computer cheated so bad. I could get over everything else but…I hate the A.I. in that…

  • Star Wars: Force Unleashed

    Seriously, I don’t think the force has ever been more radical in a video game. I love him tossing the guys into the window, the window breaking and then the vacuum of space sucking them all out. I also like him picking up one soldier, hitting the other soldiers around him, and one of the…

  • Opoona, a “Lifestyle Role-Playing Game”, Coming to North America

    When I saw this trailer for Opoona I thought there was no way in hell it would ever make it to North America. It just didn’t seem like something that would sell big in the U.S. and I assumed the developers would think the same and not bother to release it here. I was awesomely…

  • Pokemon Boss Battle in Brawl

    It seems like the only news lately is Brawl news, but most of it is pretty exciting. Basically, the video is just Starfox getting his ass kicked by a giant Pokemon. I don’t know the Pokemon’s name…Rayquaza? The amazing part, though, is that I have to confirm my age to watch this…which makes no sense…

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl Japanese Trailer

    With the Japanese release only a few days, the trailer from Super Smash Bros. Brawl has leaked out. I thought this was pretty awesome and radical. Something about Pikachu and Samus fighting together made me happy.

  • Super Smash Bros. Demo Booth Videos

    So, some huge Super Smash Bros. fan in Japan has decided to video tape himself and others playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl matches at those demo kiosks in video game stores. He has a ton of videos up, and it’s pretty interesting to see the new gameplay elements. I love the subspace emissary footage, it…

  • No More Heroes Initial Impressions

    It’s been a big week for me in gaming. First, Advance Wars, now No More Heroes. I haven’t played the game nearly enough, but from the little bit I have played (just two bosses in), No More Heroes is very awesome. You play as Travis Touchdown who, after winning a beam katana (lightsaber) in an…

  • Super Mario Bros.: Ground Theme

    The Smash Bros. Dojo has two new recent posts up, one about a new stage for Brawl which is just a remake of World 1-1 in the original Super Mario Bros. It looks pretty cool, I’m suprised Nintendo hasn’t recreated the game before with updated graphics. They said the kingdom was been turned to ruins,…