Tag: Capcom

  • Capcom Announces Two New Games At TGS

    Capcom announced at the Tokyo Game Show that Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes and Ghost Trick are both coming to North America. Ghost Trick looks pretty interesting, it’s a mystery adventure written by Shu Takumi (the main writer for the Ace Attorney series) and produced by Hironobu Takeshita (Mega Man 9). I’ve never heard of the…

  • Dark Void Community Site Is Live

    Airtight Games’ upcoming third-person shooter Dark Void just got a community site, which is pretty cool. And, if you recruit enough friends to join, you get a chance to win an Xbox 360 console. Dark Void fans unite as Capcom is proud to bring you the new and improved Dark Void Community site with lots…

  • New Spyborgs Video

    Capcom has released a new video for Spyborgs, their upcoming beat ’em up for the Wii. The video features Bouncer and Stinger beating up all kinds of stuff. Spyborgs is Capcom’s hottest new video game thrill ride, combining an extraordinary sci-fi world with action-packed two-player co-op controls. In Spyborgs, gamers play as cybernetically enhanced superheroes…

  • Capcom Platinum Hits Triple Pack Available Now

    Three decent games for $39.99 isn’t a bad deal, at all. It’s official! The Capcom Platinum Hits Triple Pack is now available at retail. For $39.99, gamers can pick up 3 amazing Capcom Classics: Lost Planet Colonies Edition, Devil May Cry 4, and Dead Rising. Each of these games has been awarded Platinum Hits “Best…

  • Capcom’s Labor Day Weekend PSN Deals

    Fans of Capcom’s digital collection will appreciate this first bit of news. As of yesterday, we’re making an offer you can’t refuse. We’ve gone through our library of digital games on the PSN and bundled them together into one perfect package for your gaming budget. We’re not just talking about a couple of games here-…

  • Okami Sequel Coming To DS

    The sequel to Capcom’s Okami, Okamiden will be coming to the DS next year. Gameplay will be similar to the PS2 version, players will draw out characters with the in-game brush, this time using the DS’s touch screen. Okamiden is currently set for a 2010 release in Japan, no word on a North American release…

  • Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Gameplay Trailer

    Capcom’s released a new Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles trailer for PAX. It looks pretty good and shooting zombies (or giant spiders) never really gets old. I like on-rails shooters, you don’t have to worry about walking around and going the wrong way, you get to focus on the important stuff, just shooting.

  • Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and Devil May Cry 4 Triple Pack

    This September Capcom is releasing a Platinum Hits Triple Pack for the Xbox 360 containing Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and Devil May Cry 4. If you’ve been holding out on buying any of the games this seems like a great deal, especially since the pack comes with a $39.99 price tag.

  • Bionic Commando Now Available For PC

    The wait is over as old-school hero Nathan Spencer gets a 3D makeover with today’s release of Bionic Commando for Windows PCs. Bionic Commando is rated by the ESRB as Mature and is available now on store shelves in North America for $39.99 for Windows PCs or through various online distribution platforms, including the Capcom…

  • Comic Con 2009 Announcements from Capcom

    Now that Comic Con has officially kicked off we’d like to begin the festivities by announcing some great Capcom news for Ace Attorney Investigation: Miles Edgeworth and Fate/unlimited codes. Plus we have a friendly reminder regarding Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Capcom fight fans can expect Fate/unlimited codes to hit the PlayStation Store in early September…

  • Get Marvel vs. Capcom 2’s Mix Tape On Vinyl

    Capcom will be releasing a mix tape alongside their Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 release, featuring a number of well known hip-hop artists. That’s pretty awesome, but what’s even more awesome is you can grab a limited edition full-size vinyl of the album. At Comic-Con. Which is on the wrong coast for me.

  • Capcom Announces Ship Date for Resident Evil 5 PC‏

    Resident Evil 5 will be out for PC on September 15th and will support stereoscopic 3D, which sounds pretty high tech. Full press release below. Capcom will also be showing the game at Comicon 2009.