Tag: Capcom
Capcom Announces DLC for Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter IV isn’t out for 12 more days, but that hasn’t stopped Capcom from announcing some DLC for the game. The first expansion pack, Championship Mode, which is free, will add replay mode, a new points system, and enhanced tournament matching. Replay mode seems pretty cool, if Halo 3 taught me anything, it’s that…
New Resident Evil 5 Screens
New screenshots. I wonder if any one else has problems with the demo’s multiplayer, Thrasher and I kept getting disconnected, or game unavailable messages.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Soundtrack
I know this is old news since the game has been out for over two months now, but I just recently played Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD for the first time, and really liked the tracks for some of the stages. I don’t know why I waited so long to try it, I used…
Resident Evil 5’s Kijuju Update (PR)
The viral videos are just the beginning for Resident Evil fans as Capcom announces an exciting update to Resident Evil 5’s Kijuju site. In anticipation of the launch of Resident Evil 5 on Friday, March 13, 2009, Capcom is continuing to pay tribute to Resident Evil fans with an exciting update to the Resident Evil…
Mega Man Star Force 3 (PR)
THE BATTLE FOR THE DIGITAL WORLD CONTINUES IN MEGA MAN STAR FORCE 3 FOR NINTENDO DS Black Ace and Red Joker Double the Possibilities Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Mega Man Star Force™ 3 (MMSF3) for Nintendo DS™ will be coming to North America in early summer…
New Resident Evil 5 Boxart
Capcom released new box art for Resident Evil 5 yesterday…the Xbox 360 box art is after the link (they’re pretty much the same). Bad ass “5” there.
Street Fighter IV Collector’s Edition
Street Fighter IV Collector’s Edition stuff, for North America. I wonder what the “secret additional downloadable content” will be? 1. The game (duh) 2. A limited-edition (ie., not sold anywhere else) figurine – Ryu in the PS3 box, C. Viper hotness in the 360 flavor. Decisions, decisions… 3. Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind:…
Resident Evil – It came from Kijuju
Just received an email from Capcom, I assume regarding Resident Evil 5. All the email said was “It came from Kijuju” (a city on the west coast of South Africa, and the setting for Resident Evil 5) repeated about about a million times and a link to this that doesn’t show anything more. The email…
Europe: Street Fighter IV Collector’s Edition
Europe is getting a pretty cool Street Fighter IV collector’s edition, hopefully we’ll see something similiar here in North America. Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 are getting the Collector’s Edition. Included in the box is: A set of limited edition Ryu and Crimson Viper figurines. A bonus disc containing a selection of trailers and…
Street Fighter Underground Remix
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix releases today on PlayStation Network and November 26 for Xbox Live Arcade. They’re also releasing a music CD for the game, but it’s not just any old soundtrack, no no. They had a bunch of guys rap about Street Fighter. I always wonder what Red Man mixed with…
New Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Video
[flashvideo width=”400″ filename=”wp-content/uploads/2008/11/ssfiihd.flv” /]
New Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Screens
Chun-Li has some huge thighs. The updated graphics actually look pretty awesome. Many more screens below…