Tag: Japan

  • Awesome Microsoft Announcement Tomorrow?

    Maybe so. But if Major Nelson lied and it’s not awesome I’m going to be fucking pissed off. Kotaku mentions a rumored Microsoft Japan announcement, so maybe there is some truth to the rumor. MGS4 confirmed for the Xbox? Final Fantasy? Who knows…

  • Super Smash Bros. Demo Booth Videos

    So, some huge Super Smash Bros. fan in Japan has decided to video tape himself and others playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl matches at those demo kiosks in video game stores. He has a ton of videos up, and it’s pretty interesting to see the new gameplay elements. I love the subspace emissary footage, it…

  • PS3 Beats Wii in Japan

    For the second week in a row, Sony’s PS3 has outsold the Wii in Japan. Famitsu publisher Enterbrain lists Wii sales at roughly 36,000 and PS3 sales at 53,000 for the week ending November 18. Who knew that new 40GB PS3 would be so popular? Howard Stringer, Sony’s CEO did. In fact, he said the…