Music of the Gaming World That Is So Radical Its Awesome: Shadow of the Colossus



This week I shall Introduce Music from a game that many people have heard of titled: Shadow of the Colossus. The music in this game was truly epic as was the game itself. For those of you who might not know, the game is focused around a boy who enters a forbidden land to resurrect a mysterious girl. He must seek out Colossi on his horse Agro and slay them with his sword or bow. Its a rather simple concept that played out very well. Its only the player, his horse, a dead girl, and tons of Colossi. The landscape of the game is massive for a PS2 game as is the music. As you travel through the land to find the Colossi epic symphonic music travels with you. The music at times reminds me of something that would have been scored for The Lord of The Rings. The song of the week plays when the player climbs the Colossi and begins to stab the weak spot of the Colossus. It is pretty awesome, intense music plays as the player attempts to climb the Colossus and then when you are at your wits end you find the magic spot and start running to it. This music plays when you begin to get the best of the games giants. Its a great feeling. I’ll let the song speak for itself.






One response to “Music of the Gaming World That Is So Radical Its Awesome: Shadow of the Colossus”

  1. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    I’m pretty sure this was one of my favorite games from last generation. I can’t really quantify why it is awesome, it just is. The atmosphere, the bosses, the music, everything about the game came together so well.

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