Grand Theft Auto IV Wanted Posters In Brooklyn?



Grand Theft Auto IV Wanted Posters

I feel like I know where this is…but I guess that could be anywhere in Brooklyn, really. I haven’t seen any yet, but when I do I’m taking it for myself. I wonder if anyone who doesn’t know about Grand Theft Auto IV will really get these ads, and if they wouldn’t, what’s the point of advertising to people that already know about the game and are going to get it?






5 responses to “Grand Theft Auto IV Wanted Posters In Brooklyn?”

  1. Jim Mirkalami Avatar

    I have been visiting this site a lot lately, so i thought it is a good idea to show my appreciation with a comment.

    Jim Mirkalami

    PS: I am a single dad. ;)

  2. Jim Mirkalami Avatar

    I have been visiting this site a lot lately, so i thought it is a good idea to show my appreciation with a comment.

    Jim Mirkalami

    PS: I am a single dad. ;)

  3. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    This site rules!

    ps. I am not a single dad. In Fact I’m not even a dad. I have a dad and he isn’t single. He hates me though so I constructed a better dad out of spare change, a Mitt Romney Mask, and Magic the Gathering Cards. Speaking of Single Dads check out this link about single dads.

  4. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    This site rules!

    ps. I am not a single dad. In Fact I’m not even a dad. I have a dad and he isn’t single. He hates me though so I constructed a better dad out of spare change, a Mitt Romney Mask, and Magic the Gathering Cards. Speaking of Single Dads check out this link about single dads.

  5. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    That link was not about single dads. It was about Magic and having the best of times.

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