Starcraft 2 Zerg Video / Fact Sheet



I always loved playing as the Zerg, something about beating an opponent by swarming them with tons of units was always fun. I can’t wait to hear “Spawn more overlords” over and over again…Starcraft was super awesome. Also, everytime I see a trailer for Starcraft 2 it looks better and better, I’m giving this game 5/5 Awesome Radicals right now.

Updated with a fact sheet about the Zerg units and a direct feed video (gametrailers posted a bunch of new videos) of some Zerg slaughtering Terran:

StarCraft II Zerg Fact Sheet

Zerg Reveal – March, 2008

Welcome to the Zerg press tour for StarCraft II; you are among the first in the world to see the Zerg faction in StarCraft II. This fact sheet will serve as a basic overview to the Zerg units you’ll be playing with during today’s hands-on multiplayer sessions. Please keep in mind that StarCraft II is still in development. This means that all of the units and abilities you see described below are subject to change over the course of development.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: The Drone is the Zerg’s worker unit, used to gather resources such as minerals or Vespene gas. They are also used to morph into various Zerg structures.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: The Zergling is the most basic combat unit for the Zerg faction. Zerglings are fast-moving ground units with a melee attack, and are typically used en-masse. They can be morphed individually into Banelings.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: The Overlord is the Zerg’s basic command and control unit. As in the original game, it is a slow flying unit with no attack, but as your army grows, you’ll need to create more Overlords and keep them protected. What’s new to this unit in StarCraft II are a couple of special abilities. The slime ability allows the Overlord to disable resource nodes and neutral observatories. Overlords can also create a small, temporary patch of creep for the Zerg to build on.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: Individual Overlords can be upgraded by the player to Overseers, which serve as airborne detector units. Overseers lose the slime and creep abilities of the Overlord, but gain a larger sight radius and give the player the ability to see cloaked and burrowed enemies.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The original StarCraft had a units called Queens, but the Queen in StarCraft II is so different, that its form and function do not at all resemble the Queens from the original game. The two units merely share a name.

In StarCraft II, Queens are birthed directly out of the Hatchery, and you can only control one at a time. The Queen is a powerful fighting unit, but more importantly, she orchestrates the defense of Zerg bases by using a number of unique abilities. Queens can create special structures that expand the base of creep, or act as stationary defense turrets.

Also, as Queens evolve, they can gain new abilities such as Deep Tunnel, which allows the Queen to instantly move to any of your buildings on the map. The Toxic Creep ability makes a small area of creep damaging to enemy ground units standing on it. Swarm Infestation lets the Queen temporarily turn any Zerg building into a defensive turret that shoots at enemies, while Regeneration lets the Queen quickly heal any damaged Zerg structures.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: As in the original StarCraft, Hydralisks serve as basic foot soldiers for the Zerg, with the ability to shoot at ground or airborne targets. Hydralisks can also morph into Lurker units.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The Roach is a specialized ground unit with the unique ability to very quickly regenerate damage. Used properly, Roaches can absorb tremendous amounts of damage and can only be killed with concentrated and heavy fire from enemies.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: Mutalisks are the Zerg’s primary flying unit. As in the original game, they use a special Glaive Wurm attack that bounces twice from its original target, doing damage to up to three units with each shot.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The Baneling acts as a rolling bomb that explodes on contact with an enemy unit or building. Groups of Banelings can quickly cut a swath through enemy infantry and even take down structures when fielded en masse. Banelings can be morphed from Zerglings.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic from StarCraft: Brood War

Description: Lurkers make a return in StarCraft II. As in StarCraft: Brood War, Lurkers are morphed from Hydralisks and can only attack while burrowed. They can devastate packed groups of infantry as they attack in a line with their subterranean spines.

Nydus Worm

Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The Nydus Worm puts a new twist on the Nydus Canal mechanic from StarCraft II. Nydus Worms can move to create an entry/exit point anywhere on the map, allowing the Zerg army a means to almost instantly funnel ground troops from one side of the map to the other.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The Infestor is the primary support unit for the Zerg in StarCraft II. It doesn’t possess a direct attack but its unique abilities make it a fearsome sight on the battlefield. Dark Swarm creates a smokescreen for units to hide under, protecting them from ranged attacks. Disease targets a single enemy, giving it a damaging aura that hurts surrounding units. The Infestor also has the Infestation ability, which temporarily infests an enemy structure, causing it to produce Infested Marines. Finally, the Infestor has the ability to move while burrowed, making it useful for sneaking in under enemy base defenses.

Infested Marine

Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: The Infested Marine is produced by any enemy structure that’s been afflicted with the Infestation ability. Infested Marines move slowly but act and shoot much like a regular Terran Marine.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: The Corruptor is the Zerg’s dedicated air-to-air unit. Corruptors don’t immediately destroy their targets. Instead, the targeted enemy becomes corrupted, becoming a stationary turret that fires at other nearby enemies. In this way, Corruptors can quickly overcome large groups of enemy fliers, turning them against one another.


Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: Classic

Description: Arguably the Zerg’s most intimidating unit, the Ultralisk is back in StarCraft II. Ultralisks can engage and attack multiple ground units in front of it with its scythe-like Kaiser Blades. They also possess a large number of hit points, allowing it to absorb lots of damage as they lead Zerg charges.

Swarm Guardian

Classic StarCraft unit, or new to StarCraft II?: New

Description: As with the Guardian in the original StarCraft, the Swarm Guardian in StarCraft II is morphed from the Mutalisk, and serves as the Zerg’s aerial siege weapon. The Swarm Guardian possesses a long-range, air-to-ground attack that hits for a good deal of damage and also spawns small broodlings that can attack for a short period of time.

From the Korean website Starcraft is like super radical in Korea, so it’s probably true.






5 responses to “Starcraft 2 Zerg Video / Fact Sheet”

  1. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    i can ‘t wait to hear “never knoooooowwwwww what hit ’em” over and over again

  2. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    i can ‘t wait to hear “never knoooooowwwwww what hit ’em” over and over again

  3. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    I never would have known you played it

  4. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    exactly! that’s part of “what hit ’em”!

  5. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    exactly! that’s part of “what hit ’em”!

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