


I think it’s interesting how a vast majority of gamers automatically thinks this game is going to be amazing because of the art direction. Like, alright, it’s all in black and white but the blood, the blood is still red, I see that and that’s really very clever and original I guess, but I’m still not sold on it. At this point in time, it just seems like yet another video game with supposed “over the top” violence that is so over the top it’s funny (from IGN). It’s not even over the top really, I’m pretty sure I’ve done every single thing show in this demo video countless times before in so many other games. I’ve been ripping out hearts, chopping people in half, and impaling people on spikes since Mortal Kombat. But it’s OK, MadWorld is totally original because it’s black and white (with red blood).

The problem is, for some reason ones self image as an individual that plays video games is defined by the games they play. People want to play badass games because it somehow reflects that badass-ness on them.

With that said, the rant was directed more at the automatic acceptance of this game, not at the game itself. I like that it’s coming out for the Wii, not because the Wii needs more over the top violence because that will somehow make the system more masculine and therefore appeal to everyone afraid of buying a Wii because it’s too kiddy, but because the Wii needs any new games coming out for it, at all, that don’t suck. And PlatinumGames will probably make a solid title, Viewtiful Joe and Okami were great titles (Shinji Mikami, Atsushi Inaba and Hideki Kamiya were former members of Clover Studios that went on to form PlatinumGames).






10 responses to “MadWorld”

  1. lizbot Avatar

    Why not call this game SIN CITY?

  2. lizbot Avatar

    Why not call this game SIN CITY?

  3. Pseudo Banksy Avatar

    The graphics do look nice but graphics aren’t all that make games good. I still play several older games (maybe 10 years or so) because they are still good and keep my attention.

    Also, the red blood with black and white everything else has been used before. I believe its classic to have the object that the producers want attention to be in color while everything else is bland. (Shindler’s List has this effect). But still, its very “artistic.”

  4. Pseudo Banksy Avatar

    The graphics do look nice but graphics aren’t all that make games good. I still play several older games (maybe 10 years or so) because they are still good and keep my attention.

    Also, the red blood with black and white everything else has been used before. I believe its classic to have the object that the producers want attention to be in color while everything else is bland. (Shindler’s List has this effect). But still, its very “artistic.”

  5. Mike R Avatar

    Yes, I’m not saying graphics make a game, I don’t believe that at all. My all time favorite games are still on the SNES. I’m not trying to say anything about cool graphics making a game good/not good, just that I don’t understand why it’s automatically accepted as awesome with little to no knowledge about the game play.

  6. Mike R Avatar

    Yes, I’m not saying graphics make a game, I don’t believe that at all. My all time favorite games are still on the SNES. I’m not trying to say anything about cool graphics making a game good/not good, just that I don’t understand why it’s automatically accepted as awesome with little to no knowledge about the game play.

  7. Pseudo Banksy Avatar

    Well, I believe its the same reason pretty girls are the ones that date a huge amounts of man. While good personality girls have long term relationships. Pretty girls are evaluated on looks while all the others girls are evaluated by personality. Even though looks are good, it does not make a relationship.

    This fact holds true in other markets. Games are bought because they look pretty (or have a lot of hype attached to them) while games that are generally good last long in the hearts of there users.

    That is the reason why it’s automatically accepted as awesome because people are shallow and base everything on looks.

  8. Pseudo Banksy Avatar

    Well, I believe its the same reason pretty girls are the ones that date a huge amounts of man. While good personality girls have long term relationships. Pretty girls are evaluated on looks while all the others girls are evaluated by personality. Even though looks are good, it does not make a relationship.

    This fact holds true in other markets. Games are bought because they look pretty (or have a lot of hype attached to them) while games that are generally good last long in the hearts of there users.

    That is the reason why it’s automatically accepted as awesome because people are shallow and base everything on looks.

  9. lizbot Avatar

    But what if you’re a pretty girl AND you have a great personality? What then?

  10. lizbot Avatar

    But what if you’re a pretty girl AND you have a great personality? What then?

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