Starcraft II Delayed Until 2010



Starcraft II 2 Delayed Until 2010

Today Blizzard officially announced that Starcraft II will be delayed until sometime in 2010, citing the development of the newly improved as the major reason why we won’t be seeing the game in 2009. I think everyone kind of, sort of, knew that Starcraft II was going to be delayed, it’s Blizzard after all, famous for their “when it’s done” policy, polishing and refining all their games thoroughly before release.

Today we announced that StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will not be ready for release by the end of 2009. Over the past couple of weeks, it has become clear that it will take longer than expected to prepare the new for the launch of the game. The upgraded is an integral part of the StarCraft II experience and will be an essential part of all of our games moving forward. This extra development time will be critical to help us realize our vision for the service.

Our mission is to develop games that deliver an epic entertainment experience. As part of that commitment, we will always take as much time as needed to ensure that our games and services meet the expectations of our players and the standard for quality that we set for ourselves as developers. As we work to make the premier online gaming destination, we’ll also continue to polish and refine StarCraft II, and we look forward to delivering a real-time strategy gaming experience worthy of the series’ legacy in the first half of 2010.

We will share more details about the beta,, and StarCraft II’s launch in the future. Keep an eye on the official website at for updates, and as always, thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support for StarCraft II and all of Blizzard Entertainment’s games.






4 responses to “Starcraft II Delayed Until 2010”

  1. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    ah yes, starcraft. that was the last time a game fully ate my entire life. for the sake of my loved ones, i hope starcraft II *never* comes out.

  2. mister eno Avatar
    mister eno

    ah yes, starcraft. that was the last time a game fully ate my entire life. for the sake of my loved ones, i hope starcraft II *never* comes out.

  3. falls asleep at games Avatar
    falls asleep at games

    Sometimes you should just lie to me.

  4. falls asleep at games Avatar
    falls asleep at games

    Sometimes you should just lie to me.

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