Castlevania Harmony of Despair at E3



Castlevania Harmony of Despair, a new 2D Castlevania produced by Koji Igarashi (Symphony of the Night, Harmony of Dissonance) is on display at E3. The game is reportedly in hi-definition, features six-player multiplayer and is for Xbox Live Arcade. Awesome. Also, Harmony of Despair features multiple classic Castlevania characters such as Alucard and Soma Cruz, which is even cooler.

The game will be released next month (amazingly awesome) during Microsoft’s “Summer of Arcade”.

Check below for an actual screenshot, it looks amazing. I love pixel art.



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19 responses to “Castlevania Harmony of Despair at E3”

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  2. Tomoko Avatar

    silverzephersword / oh now I get it, I saw this game in another video I touhght it was Portrait of Ruin so the layout confused me, then Soma comes in and I touhght they hacked the thing, now I know

  3. Avatar

    That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game

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