After 28 Years, Super Mario 64 Enthusiasts Successfully Unlock the Game’s ‘Inaccessible’ Door



A player named Alexpalix1 has solved one of the lingering mysteries in Nintendo 64’s classic Super Mario 64 game. The previously unreachable door, located in the Cool, Cool Mountain world and guarded by invisible barriers, has been unlocked through a strategic gameplay by Alex who exploited the mother penguin’s hit box in the game area to maneuver Mario through the barriers and open the door. The successful attempt was documented in a YouTube video by Scott Buchanan, a Super Mario 64 expert.

Buchanan’s earlier video on Super Mario 64’s use of invisible walls, which explores its technical design, reportedly inspired Alex in cracking this mystery. The invisible walls, strategically placed by Nintendo, were intended to restrict players from accessing certain parts of the game – in this case, the inaccessible door. The details of how these invisible walls work in Super Mario 64 was also described by Buchanan in an almost four-hour video on YouTube.

The persistent efforts and diligent understanding of the game’s mechanism from the Super Mario 64 community have led to making possible the once impossible task. The unraveling of this secret door mystery shows an impressive dedication by the players and adds a new dimension of adventure to the beloved game.


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