Over 500 Developers at Blizzard Vote to Create Microsoft’s Largest Comprehensive Union for World of Warcraft



World of Warcraft developers have become the second-largest union at Microsoft, with over 500 employees joining efforts. Following a similar move by 241 Bethesda Games Studios staffers, this new union – known as the World of Warcraft GameMakers Guild – includes members from every department, from designers to producers, spanning across offices in California and Massachusetts. This development comes after 600 Activision Blizzard QA workers created a union in March, despite past efforts by the publisher to discourage such actions.

Unionisation among the developers arose from a shared desire for collective bargaining rights, reflecting the deep care for one another and the work they produce in the game. Notable members such as Kathryn Friesen, a quest designer, shared these sentiments with The Verge, explaining that the strong sense of unity and dedication to the game spurred the unionisation drive.

The union’s formation was also influenced by the company’s reaction to a 2021 lawsuit by the State of California. Paul Cox, a senior quest designer, acknowledged how staff felt inspired by the subsequent walkouts and eventual unionisation, especially in response to what they felt were initial, unsatisfactory corporate responses. This movement for employees’ rights arises amidst a background of extensive job losses in the games industry, which has already seen about 10,800 layoffs and closures between January and June 2024. The need for collective action remains significant as industry professionals strive to maintain their momentum in advocating for their rights and roles.


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