Details on Parties, Vocations, and Monster Arenas in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake



In the Dragon Quest III remake, players create a party of up to four by speaking with Patty at Patty’s Party Planning Place. This process involves the option to add pre-registered adventurers to the party or register new ones. A new feature in the remake is the ability to enlist party members as volunteers who can contribute to other adventure logs on the same account, making the gameplay experience more versatile. New adventurers can be customized in numerous ways, including name, vocation, appearance, and voice, with each character harboring unique personalities which impact attributes and character growth. Personalities are changeable throughout the game using certain items.

The game offers further customization through vocations, which determine spells, abilities, attributes, and what equipment a character can use. The remake introduces a new vocation, the Monster Wrangler, adding an extra dimension to the gameplay. Vocations influence characters’ combat abilities and strategies. For example, the Monster Wrangler possesses abilities that damage multiple enemies and others that heal companions. Only the protagonist can take on the Hero vocation, which comes with abilities like sword-specific attacks, Zap-family spells, and healing magic.

The remake enriches the Dragon Quest III adventure by enabling players to share party members between different adventure logs within the same account. This can be done by talking to Patty and selecting the “Helping Hands” option. Making up to nine separate adventure logs, each with a maximum of one volunteer, is possible. Each volunteer retains their attributes, level, and equipment from when they were registered, facilitating diverse and strategic gameplay in this classic RPG saga.


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