Fans Embrace HD Collection Easter Egg in Silent Hill 2 Remake



The Silent Hill High Definition Collection, first released in 2012, occupies a unique spot in gaming lore primarily due to an unexpected element: the choice of font for the Silent Hill Ranch sign. In a surprising turn of events, the developers decided to switch the original font to the vastly lighter toned Comic Sans. This adjustment to the iconic Silent Hill format has since gained notoriety among the fanbase in the 12 years following the collection’s release.

Given the mixed reception and ensuing infamy gained by the Comic Sans usage, fans wondered if developers Bloober would continue this unconventional font trend in their upcoming remake of the game. Fortunately for the purists among the fans, relief came when early access to the game revealed that the developers chose to revert to the original font, choosing reverence over novelty.

A user on social media going by the handle @Wario64 was among the first to share this news. This aesthetically pleasing change garnered overwhelmingly positive responses from the franchise’s devotees. Still, keen explorers in the game discovered an unexpected throwback, a subtle wink to the earlier font fiasco etched into the digital narrative of Silent Hill’s universe.

In the PC version of Silent Hill 2 Remake, if a player maneuvers their character out of bounds when at the Silent Hill Ranch, they can discover a hidden homage to the HD Collection. Amongst the discarded detritus in an abandoned warehouse lies the infamous Comic Sans sign, relegated to the scrap heap where many fans believed it rightfully belonged.

This discovery, highlighted by Twitter user @GmanLives and confirmed by various other passionate players, was received jubilantly by Silent Hill aficionados. The ingenuous nod to the previous HD Collection version was a hit in the gaming community, enshrining the Silent Hill 2 Remake as a fan favorite.

The reaction on social media was overwhelmingly positive. One user, NONAMEDREDDITER, declared, “Bloober Team and Konami are genuinely amazing for that.” Another user, Low-Positive5888, hailed the developers as “officially god tier.” The positive sentiments continued to pour in, reflecting the community’s appreciation of recognizing and slyly referencing past eccentricities within the franchise.

The endeavors by Bloober in the Silent Hill 2 Remake have largely been commended by both fans and critics alike. However, the game has not been exempt from negative online antics. Certain mischievous elements have sought to tarnish the game’s reputation by tampering with the review scores on the Wikipedia page. Intending to downplay the game’s success, these individuals altered the recorded review scores to make them appear lower than they were. Consequently, the web page had to be temporarily closed off to restrict this vandalism.

Despite these few hiccups, the Silent Hill 2 Remake continues to grow in popularity and success. To find out when you can start playing and perhaps find more hidden easter eggs in your region, you can check the global release times for the Silent Hill 2 Remake.

With all the inventive nods to the past and the clear dedication the developers have shown in ensuring top-notch gameplay, Silent Hill 2 Remake stakes its claim as a definite contender for Game of the Year. Meanwhile, fans can rest buoyed in the knowledge that the folks at Bloober are as deeply invested in Silent Hill’s unique narrative as they are.


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