Tag: Videos

  • New Videos for SMT V: Vengeance Demon Introduce Characters Nyami Nyami, Cleopatra

    New Videos for SMT V: Vengeance Demon Introduce Characters Nyami Nyami, Cleopatra

    Atlus announced new demons for the upcoming game, SMT V: Vengeance, including debutants Nyami Nyami, Anansi, and Onyankopon from African mythology, and the previously featured DLC demon Cleopatra. Nyami Nyami, a dragon race demon, is personified as the Zambezi River God of the Tonga and Lozi people in Southern Africa, with the body of a…

  • Super Smash Bros. Demo Booth Videos

    So, some huge Super Smash Bros. fan in Japan has decided to video tape himself and others playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl matches at those demo kiosks in video game stores. He has a ton of videos up, and it’s pretty interesting to see the new gameplay elements. I love the subspace emissary footage, it…