Trama Center: New Blood Scalpel Gameplay



I seriously think I could be a doctor. It doesn’t seem that hard, some nurse telling me to cut this or that thing, suck out the blood, disable the control chip inside somebodies body, blah blah. Not that hard.





5 responses to “Trama Center: New Blood Scalpel Gameplay”

  1. Nanci Avatar

    HI MIKE!

    If I get a Wii, I need to get this game.

    I started playing WoW. I’m so ashamed of myself. :( I’m a 21 gnome mage named Nancipants. My character is the cutest thing ever.

  2. Nanci Avatar

    HI MIKE!

    If I get a Wii, I need to get this game.

    I started playing WoW. I’m so ashamed of myself. :( I’m a 21 gnome mage named Nancipants. My character is the cutest thing ever.

  3. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    You should be ashamed of yourself. I am ashamed for you.

  4. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    You should be ashamed of yourself. I am ashamed for you.

  5. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    The part that sucks about my name is I can’t call characters in games “Mikepants”. It’s just not funny. I wish I had the name Nanci or even Nancy.

    I had an undead rogue at level 70 but he wasn’t that cute.

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