Dragon Quest Swords – Gametrailers Review



I’m not sure about this game now…it just doesn’t seem to have enough depth and it’s really short. Maybe if I saw it on sale somewhere, but I don’t think I want to pay $50 for it.






3 responses to “Dragon Quest Swords – Gametrailers Review”

  1. Radical Dude Avatar
    Radical Dude

    You know, while this game doesn’t look amazing it does look sorta cool. It looks like a game I would have played in high school if the Wii was out then. I would actually play it now if it was free and i had the extra time to play such a game. So I imagine for the casual gamer this game might be sorta cool and a great way to get into the Dragon Quest Series

  2. Burnzzy81 Avatar

    I think I would get bored with this game pretty quick. I wish they would come out with some better Wii games. After playing Twilight Princess, I have yet to find any game that even comes close to being as good.

  3. Alessandra Avatar

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