New Resident Evil 5 Trailer



This latest Resident Evil 5 trailer looks pretty cool. The game play seems somewhat similiar to Resident Evil 4, but with a lot more enemies on screen at the same time. Are people infected with the same Plaga parasite like in Resident Evil 4, as well?





2 responses to “New Resident Evil 5 Trailer”

  1. radical dude Avatar
    radical dude

    I feel like the zombies could have been designed better. The zombies in 4 looked better than this. I guess they weren’t really zombies. Either way, the graphics could be better.

  2. radical dude Avatar
    radical dude

    I feel like the zombies could have been designed better. The zombies in 4 looked better than this. I guess they weren’t really zombies. Either way, the graphics could be better.

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