Tag: Capcom
Mega Man 9’s Awesome Retail Package
If Mega Man 9 wasn’t going to be a download-only release, this is what the packaging would look like. Pretty awesome, I’d totally buy the game for the packaging, alone. They’ll only be making these available to the press, but the post also mentioned they might be making 200 or so available for purchase. Be…
Mega Man 9
Capcom’s decided to go back to the old NES style graphics in their latest Mega Man game. Honestly, I think it’s a good idea. I pretty much didn’t like or play any of the Mega Man games after the NES/SNES ones, the series just wasn’t doing it for me. This, however, I certainly will pick…
1942: Joint Strike Coming Soon
I have fond memories of the 1942 series, I can remember playing the arcade game at various different places. It was always fun…shooting stuff in a plane. Anyway, on July 23 the new, 3D, 1942 will be out on XBLA. PSN users have to wait til the 24 for some reason. 2-player online co-op seems…
New Resident Evil 5 Trailer
This latest Resident Evil 5 trailer looks pretty cool. The game play seems somewhat similiar to Resident Evil 4, but with a lot more enemies on screen at the same time. Are people infected with the same Plaga parasite like in Resident Evil 4, as well?
Bionic Commando Rearmed Soundtrack
Just in case you’re into awesome and radical video game soundtracks, the Bionic Commando Rearmed Soundtrack is up for sale on iTunes. I like “Power Plant”, the song sounds a lot more fun then I imagine a power plant to be. This game is going to be fucking awesome. [via Bionic Commando Blog]
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition COLONIES EDITION Akrid Hunt Video
[flashvideo filename=”wp-content/uploads/2008/05/Akrid_Hunt.flv” /] Some players control the bugs and try to kill the people, other players shoot at the bugs. I, for one, am intrigued. Actually, could be a pretty cool game mode. I remember in one of the Unreal Tournaments they had a mode where players could all fight against progressively harder waves of…
Capcom Confirms Cast for Live Action Street Fighter Movie
I doubt it can be as radical as the old Street Fighter movie. I can’t think of who any of these people are, honestly, because I’m pretty bad with celebrities. What I do know, however, is that this movie has a 95% chance of not being awesome. Video game movies just never seem to work…
1942: Joint Strike
I remember playing the 1942 arcade game when I was a kid, it was awesome. Now we’re getting a HD remake of the original. For years I thought this was exactly what the Pacific theater of war was really like.
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil
So, I got this email from Capcom stating that the long-awaited Rocketmen: Axis of Evil will be released on XBLA and the PSN. 800 points on LIVE, $10 on PSN. But, I’ve never heard of this long awaited game…
Street Fighter IV AOU Trailer
A new trailer for Street Fighter IV has emerged from the AOU 2008 Amusement Expo in Japan. The trailer shows off moves from returning characters Chun-Li, Guile, Dhalsim, E. Honda, Zangief, and Blanka, as well as new characters Viper and Abel. Looks pretty interesting. Chun-Li has some giant thighs.
Lost Planet Ships For PS3
Just in case you have a PS3 and not a 360, or chose not to get it for the 360, now is your chance to get Lost Planet. I never played Lost Planet, but it seems radical enough. Shooting stuff and running around in snow and what not. THE ULTIMATE COOL: LOST PLANET: EXTREME CONDITION…
Devil May Cry 4 Demo Early 2008
Capcom has official announced a playable demo for the upcoming Devil May Cry 4. The demo is set to be released early 2008 through both the Playstation Store and Xbox Live. Instead of just one single level, the demo will feature a number of different environments that will highlight many of the games play mechanics.…