Category: PC
I Think the Site is No Longer Hacked
After a traditionally long absence I’ve decided to randomly start posting on Awesome Radical Gaming again. Because, why not? I was inspired by Will Smith, long story. I think I also fixed the very much hacked RSS feed. I don’t understand how it is that WordPress always gets hacked. The plugins? I don’t know, or…
Super Meat Boy Review
Super Meat Boy is a platformer about a boy without skin named Meat Boy who must save his girlfriend, Bandage Girl, from Dr. Fetus. Aside from having the best story ever it’s also hard. Very, very hard. I’ve died over 3,000 times (which isn’t an exaggeration, the game keeps tracks of deaths) and haven’t completed…
Trine 2
Atlus has announced a sequel to Trine, a puzzle / platformer. Looks pretty nice. Trine 2 will be available digitally Spring, 2011.
Civilization V E3 Trailer
Great video if you aren’t too familiar with the series.
Bulletstorm E3 Walkthrough Trailer
The guy playing the game is great. “Right, so you hit him in the family jewels, he’s in pain…” “…leash the guy, kick him in the ass, shoot the ass, and get the fire in the whole reward.” “Sir, you need to die. Thank you.” February 22, 2011 can’t come soon enough.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II E3 Trailer
Probably the best trailer I’ve seen out of E3 this year. I didn’t play the first game and had no intention of playing the second until watching this, which kind of sold me on the idea. Did Vader really expect like seven storm troopers to kill him?
Gears of War 3 Beast Mode E3 Trailer
Horde Mode in Gears of War 2 was pretty fun. Fighting wave after wave of enemies with three of your closest friends is always a good time. But Epic was all like “What’s even cooler?” How about playing as waves of bad guys trying to kill the good guys? Pretty awesome. There’s a level up…
Portal 2 E3 Trailer
Easily one of my top ten games gets a totally awesome E3 trailer. Judging by the video, I like where they’re going, with the run down, partially destroyed areas overgrown with plants…looks sweet. Also interesting that Gabe Newell announced this at Sony’s event, saying the PS3 will have the best version.
Medal of Honor E3 Multiplayer Trailer, Beta June 21
According you this you have to pre-order to get a beta key so…good and bad. That music though…I don’t know.
Don’t Have A Starcraft II Beta Key? Pre-order At Gamestop And Get One
I guess I will be doing this since Awesome Radical Gaming, a massive powerhouse with it’s 10 (max) readers and completely random updates, isn’t good enough to get one through Blizzard. You can reserve online and wait 24 hours for the code through email, or go into a store and get the code immediately. The…
Left 4 Dead 2 DLC The Passing Out Tomorrow
The first DLC for Left 4 Dead 2, The Passing, will be out tomorrow for both the PC and Xbox 360. The content includes a number of new features including: A new 3 map campaign which takes place between “Dead Center” and “Dark Carnival”. In the campaign the cast meets up with the survivors from…