Gaming News That is Awesome and Radical

  • Gears of War 2 Gameplay Footage

    Looks pretty intense. I like Marcus shooting the one Locust in the face, then using him as a body shield and then, after he’s done with him, moving him to the edge, breaking his neck and finally throwing him off the side. They can’t be dead enough, you never know with those guys.

  • Play a Flash Demo of English of the Dead

    I imagine that if Liz ever became a zombie should would run up to me, wielding a chainsaw, and say the exact same thing. Actually, I think all languages should be taught by killing zombies. If my French classes in high school somehow involved making zombies jump down a hole in the ground, I definitely…

  • Metal Gear Retrospective

    I like learning more about Snake. Everyone should, really. Like, I had no idea in the first Metal Gear there was a boss named Dirty Duck, that game was too hard I never got anywhere in it. Snake is pretty awesome. I hope Liz reads this so she can start thinking about our next awesome…

  • Starcraft II Producer Video

    Watch a Starcraft II video featuring producer Chris Sigaty. I wonder if my hair would look that good if it was long.

  • Win an Etrian Odyssey II Soundtrack!

    Atlus has a totally awesome contest going on right now to help promote their upcoming RPG Etrian Odyssey II. Basically you write a story or something and if it’s good you win the 3-disc Etrian Odyssey II soundtrack. Seems pretty rad, I’d love that soundtrack…If your interested, you can go here and participate. My story…

  • My Xbox 360 Broke

    I knew this day would come, but I still wasn’t ready for it. I saw all the signs. I just wish I could turn back the hands of time and say “I love you” once more. Luckily, Kotaku posted this the other day. 3 red lights.

  • Blizzard Acquires

    Blizzard recently acquired the Diablo fansite, now the natural question is “Will Diablo 3 will be coming out anytime soon?” Maybe, but I doubt it, it’s Blizzard we’re talking about here…Starcraft 2 has been in the works for 10 years now…but at least this is a step in the right direction. Diablo 2 is…

  • Earthbound Bound For Virtual Console?

    Well, it looks like it could be happening…I never thought it would (Nintendo of America refused to bring over any of the GBA Mother games so I figured it was the end of the series for me), but it looks like Nintendo might be bringing Earthbound stateside via the Virtual Console. The ESRB has recently…

  • R-Type Command Preorder Bonus

    I was on the fence about if I was going to buy R-Type Command or not. The demo was OK, but I didn’t think I needed the game. Now, I’ve kind of changed my mind. You basically get a totally radical R-9 figurine and I need more stuff to clutter up the apartment.

  • Crisis Core – Worst Level Up System, Ever

    I love Final Fantasy VII, VII and III (VI) are my two favorite Final Fantasy games to date. So, any new Final Fantasy VII spin-off game that comes out is always something I’m interested in. Anyway, picked it up over my long absence and I’ve pretty much liked everything about it, the battles are pretty…

  • Awesome Radical Gaming Back In Effect

    So, I know there are like four to five huge fans of Awesome Radical Gaming out there. To you four or five people, I’m sorry. I got married and then all this other stuff and I just didn’t feel like typing. I also have started to try and program an XNA 2-D game, which you…

  • April Fools’ Day and Video Games

    April Fools’ Day…it’s always the same in the video game world. You are guaranteed to see plenty of ridiculous news stories that are just so obviously fake, but are still totally awesome. I think it’s pretty cool how everyone decides to do it, it’s become a tradition at this point. Blizzard is one of my…

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